I read on numerous blogs about Taliah Waajid`s Black earth products. Before I locked, I was a hair product junkie. I used nexxus to mizani. To tell you the truth, they all worked for a hot minute before I had to switch products again!

Since I have been locked. I have used minimal products. I use only natural products on my hair and skin. One to ten months, I used Knotty Boy Dread shampoo bar. I love that shampoo! It lasted one year, until one of my sons mistook the bar for a regular bar of soap. Their body must have been tingling all over!
I use Aubrey organics green tea clarifying shampoo once a month. This shampoo is very drying! Since I could not use conditioner yet, I would have to do a second wash with the Knotty Boy. Ten months to present, I would use BWC ( Beauty Without Cruelty) tea tree, mint, and rosemary shampoo scalp and hair treatment. A very good product. My scalp would tingle! I would follow with the BWC conditioner.
When I was surfing the net to research the ingredients in the Black Earth products, I found a beauty supply site that was offering the products for $3-$4 of the original price.
I purchased the Total Body Black Earth shampoo for $4.99, the Enhancing Herbal conditioner for $7.00, and the Herbal Strengthener $3.99. With the S&H the total was 23.65. Not bad compared to the original prices on Taliah Waajid`s website.
When I received the products, I was not happy with the ingredients in the herbal strengthener. It is based in petroleum. I gave the product away! What a waste of money. You can not get a total list of the ingredients on her web site or on any that sold her products.
Child! When I opened the shampoo, I was surprise to see black goo drip out the bottle! I said " WHAT THE HELL ?!!! Well that black goo is da bomb! My locs never felt so good! My locs usually tangle after I shampoo them. This stuff made them soft and manageable! I followed with the conditioner ( as Doc Camille said to do!). I`am very happy with Black Earth Products. I`am very careful of what I place in my locs. Yeah, the shampoo has a little SLS , but I think its worth the over site! Any way, it smells delicious!
Total Body Black Earth Shampoo
Ingredients: Pure Distilled Water, Natural Herbs, Indian Hemp, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ, Yarrow Root, Sodium Laureate Sulfate, Rosemary, African herbal Complex, Sea Salt, Sage, Silk protein, Corn Oils, Corn Silk, Vitamin E, Fruit Bio-flavoniods, Bay Laurel, Cocomide ( Coconut- Bio-Flavonoid).
Enhancing herbal Conditioner
Ingredients: Pure distilled Water, Anise, capsicum Oil, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ, Bees Wax, Aloe Vera, Walnut Oil, Cherry bark, Calendula, Thyme, Kiola, Quine seed complex, Vitamin E, Silk protein, Apple extract, lavender Extract, balsam canada, Bay laurel, fruit Bio-flavonoid.
The Strengthener
ingredients: Pure Distilled Water, Petroleum, Natural Herbs, Indian hemp, yarrow Root, Rosemary, Chickweed, nettle, Herbal complex, Burdock, Coltsfoot, sage, Chamomile, Vitamin E, Bio-Flavoniods, fruit Fragrance, bay Laurel.