My lock buddy Kumina graciouly gave me the award last week, but I had a busy week and did not have the time to blog. I` am so sorry, Kumina! Please forgive me! These are for you!
Kumina and I started out loc journey a month a part! We bonded on Lovinlocs and sisterlock_ look_ for_ less. Even though she is braidlocked and I `am SisterLocked, we have similar hair textures and had similar loc issues. Because of her and my lovinlocs family, I `am still locked!
Nubian1 has a great blog! She is very creative! She even had a creative way to display her seven loves, which I truly love and borrowed . Thank you, Nubian1. This is for you!

I had to edit my post because I just discovered that Phe-Phi had presented me with the Kreativ Blogger Award too! I`am one that gives credit where it is due! Phe is two months locked via braidlocs! She love to read and write short stories! Please check out her blog!
Phe-Phi, these are for you!

Now the recipient of this award has to share seven loves and give seven blogger this award! They too, have to share seven loves and give seven awards!
1. My GOD!
1. My GOD!
With God, all things are possible!
2. My sons
Thats my nephew with thr white cap!
My sons are the God sends of my life!
3. My parents
They are the loves of my life!

4. My Locs
My locs are 18 months old! I can finally wash and go!
Who knew they would help make my life so easy!
Who knew they would help make my life so easy!
I have a shoe fetish! I`am obsession for shoes!
I have over 50 pairs.
Thats my co-worker with the OR hat on. My best friend is to the right. She keeps me grounded when I` am out of line! She is as close as I can get to a big sister! She is my spiritual adviser, my psychologist, shopping spree partner!
7. The Gift Of Life!
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Every day that I wake up, I praise and thank my the love of my life, my provider, my healer and my friend. He had made all of my loves 1-6 possible! Without life, I`am unable to enjoy the people, the things, nature, and reasons he created it.
Psalm 150
Praise the Lord
Praise God in his sanctuary
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power,
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpets,
praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals.
Let everything that breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
All naptural