Besides shampoo, conditioner, natural oil and a demi-permanent hair color,My locs are healthy.
My husband loves my locs, but it is not enough to keep them. I `am still on the fence, but I still have a strong urge to cut them off!
I blame Rihanna! I was on the net when I saw her with this cut. It reminded me when I use to wear my hair short. I loved it! I `am so obsessed with this style, I printed it and placed it on my mirror.

I`am transitioning from locked to unlocked hair. I cut my locs to my shoulders. I will not re tightening my hair. I plan on picking the top of my locs out. By April, for my 52nd birthday, plan to let the locs go.

Trimmed Locs
New Growth
Cut Locs
Stay tuned!
God Bless!