Hello all! As some of you may know, I`am getting married next year! I thought I was going to get a tummy tuck for my 50th birthday! Instead, God has blessed me with a God fearing man and a Future dear husband. Never thought this would happen to me. Me getting married at 50. I never knew he was coming. I believe my obedience has paid off. I have been blessed by God. He sent me an angel to take care of me. A lot has happened this year. I was in a motor vehicle accident in May. I was unable to walk. I had ruptured and torn ligaments in both knees. I had a deep wound laceration and a hair line fracture in my left knee. I was done! God sent this angel to me one month before my accident. He has been with me ever since.
Things happen for a reason. I never questioned God for what happened. I know the lord took care of me mentally, spiritually and financially. That is all I needed to know. I`am back to work and still healing! I`am in 3" heels now without knee pain. LOL!
Blessings to you Nubian Princess!! It is just like GOD to show up when you are not expecting. I personally think HE loves working in this way to surprise HIS children.
I am sorry to hear about your accident, but give praise to GOD for HIS healing power in your life.
Your dress looks lovely. As you do. Continue to rest in HIM and the many blessings HE has brought your way.
Congratulations Nubian. You look BEAUTIFUL.
Congratulations Nubian, you will be a BEAUTIFUL bride.
congratulations. God bless you. What an awesome testimony!
Many blessings to you and congrats! GOD is always on time! GOD can heal anyone or anything, you are a living example. Work those 3 inch heels. Lol! You look absolutely beautiful in your dress. Peace and blessings!
You look beautiful. You are beautiful. Congratulations!
Take care~
Boy you sure have been busy.....thank god your are okay and congrats on your up and coming nuptuals......so so so happy for you.
Congrats to you Nubian Locked Princess. And thank you for that post. I am a 37 year old woman that haven't had the pleasure of being married yet- but reading that post brought my hope back. May God continue to keep you and bless you and your family. Amen.
I am so happy for you. I agree that it is the power and wisdom of God that brings all things and has supported your healing. Congratulations on you reaching your third year, you look absolutely gorgeous. Stay blessed. Kittylocks x
First of all congratualations, and i hope you doing well. i came across your blog andwhen i was doing more research on sisterlocks. ur blog is so helpful but i still need some help. I really want siterlocks but can not afford them anytime soon, so I was thinking of starting out with micro braids and letting them lock on there own while maintaing them with lathing or interlocking. I talked to this lady and she told me to start out with medium sizes locks since my hair is so soft and thin. another lady who has locks told me to start out with lock bigger than micros but smaller than a pencile. I am asking for your oppinion because I see your a certified locktition and would be able to help me more. finally do you think locking my hair would prevent me from becoming an elementry school teacher because i am currently in my 3rd yr of college. pls answer back soon and thanks. p.s i think i have 4c or 4b hair
NO WAY!! You're getting married? AWE, how exciting it must be and i'm so happy for you! May God bless you and your nubian king. You are looking like a queen in your bridal gown. :-)
Thank you all! God has answered my prayers! He has definitely saved the best for last! I `am reminded every day how blessed and favored I have been, even through my storms! God was just waiting for me to get it right!
I miss you all! I plan to continue to blog on my locs! I love them so very much! Thanks to Dewdrop and my Knotty Truth lady, Chell, I probably would not be locked today!
@ Lumina, M, Lovin Natural, Nickelicious, Thank you and my God continue to bless you!
@ Ro I`am doing well! God is so good! I should have been worst off! Through everything, he has been great to me as usual!
@ QueenLocks,Thank you! I know that you have moved! I will link your new address to my blog!
@ Nubian1 and KittyLocs: Thank you very much! I`am not posting as much, but I`am still following your progress! You two keep inspiring!
@ Anonymous: You can start your locs by braidlocs and retightening them using the interlock method. As your locs begin to grow and loc, no one will no the difference. It is ok to have small locs with soft, fine hair. Have someone braid your hair into( 1/4" - 1/2") small boxes. Make sure you have a middle part and a side part on each side. With your hair texture you describe, you should be locked in no time!
Every one have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh wow well what a testimony!!!Thank God things have completly turned around.congrats and you lool stunning in the photo above.
Congrats Nubian...I hope you post pics of your wedding. You don't look like you need a tummy tuck! Because of your youtube video I was able to start my locs by latching....I'm glad your ok, i was in a car accident in 2009 and it is so damn scary.
Congrats to you NP! I was wondering what happened to you, as I'd not heard from you in some time.
I'm sorry to hear of your tribulations, but as they say: "When one door closes, another opens."
May you find much peace, love and happiness in this coming new year.
aka: Tara Buffington
Blessings and love to you NLP!! How God blesses us is just amazing!! But remember that wonderful man God sent to you is blessed to have YOU!!!
Beauiful post! Congrats!
@ Tara: God is good! I asked no question of why it happened! I just conrinued to praise God through the pain and recovery! I just do not know what to blog about any more. DewDrop seems to be taking care of business :)
@ Anna Renee, Charizma00, Trecia, Thank you for all the love and blessings!! I`ll keep you posted!
Congratulations on your future wedding and married life! I feel your joy at being blessed with a good man. Continue to share your story of hope with other women. God sent my own good man into my life when I was 49, he proposed on my 50th birthday and we married 9 months later!! I can only tell you that it gets better and better. P.S. I love your Sisterlocks.
1st I must say I am sorry to hear about your accident, but so GLAD that you have recovered. You have many more things to share with others.
God shows his favor in so many ways, we must school ourselves to listen.
You give me hope that I will meet him when the time is right.
My sister I have follow you since I first saw your you tube video on how to interlock using the babrie doll head. Loved it, made it so clear for me and others to learn.
We are in the sisterlock look for less group on Yahoo. aka maple_1722/Mary.
I rejoice in your wonderful life. Congrats.
The joy translates through the screen.
Congratulations beautiful one! I am so grateful for your healing and you are a true testament that God is Real and oh so very good!
Congratulations on the engagement and continue to be blessed and highly favored!
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