Lent is a time of soul- searching, discipline, and repentance for the celebration of Christ`s death and resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends the day before Easter. Lent consist of 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. Sundays are not counted because Sunday is a celebration of Jesus` resurrection.
Lent represents the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and being tempted by the Devil (matthew 4:1-11 )
Ash Wednesday is the first day of lent. On this day, Christians are to focus on their complete sinfulness and the necessity of Christ suffering and death to insure our salvation.
Ashes are referred as signs of sorrow, mourning, humility, and repentance. On Ash Wednesday, ashes are used to remind people of their mortality!
" you are dust, and you shall return" ( Genesis 3:19 )
Palm Sunday or the Sunday of passion begins Holy Week. This is the last week of lent. Good Friday represent the imprisonment, trial, and death by crucifiction of Jesus.
There are Three main Practices of Lent
1. Fasting: Give something up for God!
2. Prayer and Meditation: Reflect on your own sin and what it cost him!
3. Give to the poor: Show your love of Christ to others!
" A Prayer for Lent "
lord, at the beginning of this Lenten sesson, I sense my need to you; yet I am not quite sure how to reach you.
I heard someone say, " Read you Bible.' But too often the words are like bullets that ricochet off my brain.
I heard someone say, "Pray." But my prayers, hurled heaven ward, fall back to earth like lifeless stones.
I heard someone say, " Meditate." But my wandering mind was lost in a desert of random thoughts.
Lord, speak to me through your WORD and let it penetrate my mind and my heart.
Lord, speak to me through PRAYER, and turn my lifeless stones to bread.
Lord, speak to me in my Meditation, that I may see, amid life`s wilderness: The way, The truth, The life....... AMEN!!!