Tuesday, December 30, 2008



It`s been one whole year and my hats do not fit! I went to every store I could think of to find tams and news boy hats. I found a black knit news boy hat, but I could not find a brown hat anywhere! I went into the attic to find my crochet hooks and searched the internet for tams and newsboy hats.

Lion Brand Yarns had the most tam hat patterns and they were free! I spent $2.50 on a news boy pattern at their site, but I did not like how it was coming along. I found a web site that had nothing but free crochet hat patterns. I also found some patterns on small website.


My mom taught me had to crochet when I was between 9-10 yrs old! She would crochet up a storm! She would make a hat and a scarf in a few hours. That was one of our private times together. One of those precious times when we bonded. Today, she is still making hats ,scarves, afgans and etc. Thank God For Mothers!




How To Crochet a Hat


Free Crochet Hat patterns




Unknown said...

The hats look great on you. Thanks for sharing the tips!

Aira said...

nice links! im getting back into crafting and have completed a few lock jewelry pieces (will post pictures soon) and im working on 2 hats (im knitting them). im going to try to crochet a tam when im done with my current projects

good job btw! your hats look really nice


z said...

Those hats look great! Thanks for posting tutorial links.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady,
I'm really digging that brown hat. Just might have 2 have U 2 hook 1 up 4 me!!!!

NubianLockedPrincess said...


No problem!